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  • Developed a customer churn prediction system for a fictional telecommunication use case.

  • Trained and evaluated various machine learning models, including Logistic Regression, SVC, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, XGBoost Classifier, and LightGBM Classifier.

  • Performed feature selection using Recursive Feature Elimination and tuned hyperparameters for the best performing model, achieving an accuracy score of 81.1% and an F1 score of 80.6% with the Logistic Regression model.

  • Saved the best model using joblib and used it to make predictions in a web application.

  • Built an interactive web application using Streamlit and deployed it on Streamlit Cloud, allowing users to input customer data and receive churn predictions.

  • Gained experience in data science, machine learning, and web development, and created a tool that can help businesses predict customer churn.

  • Developed an automatic speech recognition application using OpenAI's Whisper model that generates subtitles and transcriptions for YouTube videos and video files, improving accessibility and user experience. 

  • The application performs 2 tasks:

    • Detects the language, transcribes the input video in its original language.

    • Detects the language, translates it into English and then transcribes.

  • Utilized ffmpeg to generate subtitled videos, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

  • Built a user-friendly interface using the Streamlit library to provide an intuitive experience for users.

  • Hosted the application on HuggingFace Spaces to reach a wider audience.

  • Gained hands-on experience in speech recognition, natural language processing, and video processing, while creating a powerful tool that improves accessibility for video content.

  • Developed a TV series recommender system that uses a K-Nearest Neighbors model to make recommendations based on user preferences.

  • Scraped the IMDb website using the BeautifulSoup library to create a dataset of TV series, which was saved as a CSV file.

  • Built an interactive web application using the Streamlit library to provide users with an easy-to-use interface for inputting their preferences and receiving recommendations.

  • Utilized the Euclidean distance metric in the K-Nearest Neighbors model to find TV series that are most similar to a user's input.

  • Incorporated the Youtube Data API v3 to dynamically retrieve and display trailers of recommended TV series within the web application.

  • Deployed the web application on Heroku, making it easily accessible to users online.

  • Developed a movie recommender system using the IMDB 5000 dataset, which includes data on movie titles, release dates, cast, directors, storylines, ratings, and trailers.

  • Utilized the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to recommend movies to users based on their preferences.

  • Dynamically retrieved trailers for recommended movies using the Youtube Data API v3, adding an interactive and engaging component to the web app.

  • Built the web application using the Streamlit library, providing users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface for entering their preferences and receiving recommendations.

  • Deployed the web application on Heroku, making it easily accessible to users online.

  • Developed a news summarizer application that provides users with a quick and easy way to get an overview of the latest news stories.

  • Built functions using the Beautiful Soup library to scrape news articles from Google News.

  • Implemented a categorization system that allows users to choose between trending news, favorite topics, or to search for a specific topic of interest.

  • Used the Newspaper3k library to fetch news, news posters, and automatically generate summaries of each news article.

  • Built the web application using the Streamlit library, creating a user-friendly interface for users to input their preferences and view the summarized news stories.

  • Deployed the web application on Streamlit Cloud, allowing users to access the application from anywhere with an internet connection.

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